Thursday, July 19, 2007

Media Cheerleaders and the Clueless Cheaters

What I find most amazing about my Republican brothers and sisters is that they constantly break Heinlein's 11th Commandment. I mean politics aside, shouldn't you take extra precautions if you know what you are doing is illegal, immoral, or embarrassing? No one is that stupid, are they? What's the deal?

After the Corporate Media's™ complicity in the witch hunt against our last elected President was exposed, progressives (and perhaps a large percentage of the American Public) have long since accepted that these stenographers are no longer independent. With the exception of Keith, Bill, Jon, Stephen and occasionally Jack, any broadcast news will not be an investigation to determine the truth but a recitation of Republican/Conservative/Bidness talking points.

Furthermore, the message put out by this infotainment industry is carefully crafted so that even when a disastrous policy has been documented by the World media and even if it is clear President George W Bush and his 2nd VP Richard Cheney were responsible for the clusterf-ck, the media-whores will blame every one else except those who are responsible (Democrats are a favorite target).

Okay Commander, we already know this. What is your point?

The recent revelations of chicanery at the Office of Drug Control Policy:
    White House Had Drug Officials Appear with GOP Candidates
    Michael A. Fletcher
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Wednesday, July 18, 2007; Page A08

    White House officials arranged for top officials at the Office of National Drug Control Policy to help as many as 18 vulnerable Republican congressmen by making appearances and sometimes announcing new federal grants in the lawmakers' districts in the months leading up to the November 2006 elections, a Democratic lawmaker said yesterday.

The office of the Surgeon General:
    The Doctor Who Didn't Know When to Quit
    Richard Cohen
    Tuesday, July 17, 2007; Page A19

    …He simply departed from the administration when his four-year term was up and said nothing about how he had been maneuvered and micromanaged -- until last week, when he told (almost) all to a congressional committee. Only then did we learn that it was suggested that whenever Carmona gave an official speech, he should mention the president at least three times a page. He declined. He was also ordered not to talk about controversial matters -- stem cell research, sexual abstinence, contraception, etc. He complied. A report on global health was withheld for political reasons.
And the General Services Administration:
    GSA Chief Violated Hatch Act, Special Counsel's Report Alleges
    Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Scott Higham
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Thursday, May 24, 2007; 1:26 PM

    The U.S. Office of Special Counsel has found that General Services Administration chief Lurita Alexis Doan violated the federal Hatch Act when she allegedly asked GSA political appointees during a January briefing how they could "help our candidates" win the next election, according to a report by the office.
present an almost unimpeachable case that the Republican Party in the early 21st Century knew the following:

  • Even in the so called “Red States” the RNC could not get a majority elected with out breaking the law (cheating).

  • The RNC was absolutely certain that the above named Corporate Media™ would not investigate these violations (they still won’t).

  • Because of the first two points, the RNC saw no reason to hide the evidence

  • The R’s were actually shocked that the D’s flipped the House and even more amazed that they took the Senate. Even in the last few weeks before the November elections the R’s were convinced that the various illegal and immoral activities from caging to voter fraud scams to out and out bribery would suppress enough votes to allow the R’s to maintain control (truth be told, even your old Sarge was surprised at the outcome).

    It is the only reason why the Bush Administration finds itself unprepared for the multiple investigations currently underway in Congress; they truly believed that in the last two years they would still be dealing with rubber stamp Republicans (of course the clueless Beltway Pundits say that this is a bad idea).

    Life is so unfair.

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