- "We used to have a saying: "If you don't get the asses of the masses out in the street, forget it." And you get enough of them out there, the ruling class gets scared. That's the only thing they're afraid of, is numbers. Numbers!"
The response these right wing A-holes received validated the quote from Al "Grandpa Munster" Lewis:
- March to Capitol follows anti-Cuccinelli protest at VCU
By Karin Kapsidelis
Published: March 11, 2010
Updated: March 11, 2010
- The protest began with the Pledge of Allegiance, but the emphasis was on "justice for all."
More than 1,000 people rallied at Virginia Commonwealth University yesterday against an attempt by the state attorney general to negate anti-discrimination policies that protect gays.
"VCU is not a place where you can bring bigotry and expect not to be challenged," said Cameron Hunt, a senior who after the rally led about 150 students on a march to the state Capitol in protest of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli...


But does the Ruling Class get scared. Hell yeah:- Va Governor Robert McDonnell: Gay Discrimination Fireable Offense
By Susan Marie Kovalinsky
March 11, 2010
- As Virginia's college campuses experience an uproar over gay rights, Gov. Robert F. McDonnell has now issued a directive to all 102,000 state employees Wednesday that prohibits discrimination in the state workforce, including on the basis of sexual orientation. In his directive, the Governor warns he will fire anyone who engages in such discrimination."
- Because of the outrage among students, college presidents and others, the Governor seemed forced to address discrimination in his formal statement.
- ...Who's running the store? Both McDonnell and Cuccinelli are...die-hard, right wing social conservatives who want to cash in on the backlash against Barack Obama...McDonnell ran a smart campaign by downplaying the extreme views of his political past. The rumor was that he was trying to keep Cuccinelli on a tight leash...Do we really buy McDonnell's excuse that he has had to rein in "Cooch" when he was the one that set the whole thing up in the first place?
Meanwhile, McDonnell has extended lots of corporate welfare offers to get Northrop Grumman to locate in Virginia...has threatened to drive the defense contractor away with these homophobic policies.
So, we are left with two rather frightening questions. Is the McDonnell gang simply incompetent? Or is there a much broader agenda?
The Asses of the Masses proved him wrong.
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