Monday, November 5, 2007

And a Little Child shall lead them

A historic moment, little notice by the media whores (they would much rather push phony stories about a certain Senator) may occur tomorrow, The Flighsuit in Chiefs first veto to be overridden by Congress:

    November 5, 2007, 8:38 am
    Congress Set to Override Water Bill Veto
    By Carl Hulse

    Congress is poised to enact legislation over the objections of President Bush for the first time in his tenure.
    The House and Senate both intend to move quickly this week to override the president’s veto of a $23 billion water projects bill, and even the House Republican leader acknowledged on Sunday that lawmakers are likely to be successful in overcoming the presidential opposition.
What is most significant about this is that we are dealing with a President with the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.

I have a brother-in-law who behaves very similar to President Bush. Twenty five years ago before I joined the Army I spent some 6 months at my in laws place. One day I got fed up with my wife's brother constantly demanding that everyone know toe to him. I refused his demand to turn the channel on the TV (I was much bigger and stronger then him). He walked away in shock (first time someone had told him NO), went outside the apartment to the fuse box, and proceeded to turn off the electrical breakers. Damn.

I can only imagine what new insanity the boy king might do next.

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